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Principal contractor
Domain: Health and safety at work => Professional figures and company committees => Construction work
Grammatical category
Noun phrase
Grammar notes
A person appointed by the client to be responsible for co-ordinating health and safety aspects during the construction phase. The client shall not appoint as principal contractor any person who is not a contractor.

Duties The principal contractor appointed for any project shall:
1) take reasonable steps to ensure co-operation between all the contractors sharing the construction site, so far as is necessary to enable each of those contractors to comply with the requirements and prohibitions imposed on him by or under the relevant statutory provisions relating to the construction work;
2) ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that every contractor, and every employee at work in connection with the project complies with any rules contained in the health and safety plan;
3) take reasonable steps to ensure that only authorised persons are allowed into any premises or part of premises where construction work is being carried out;
4) ensure that the particulars required to be in any notice given under regulation 7 are displayed in a readable condition in a position where they can be read by any person at work on construction work in connection with the project; and
5) promptly provide the planning supervisor with any information which it is reasonable to believe the planning supervisor would include in the health and safety file. The principal contractor may include in the health and safety plan rules for the management of the construction work which are reasonably required for the purposes of health and safety.
The principal contractor appointed for any project shall ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that every contractor is provided with comprehensible information on the risks to the health or safety of that contractor or of any employees or other persons under the control of that contractor arising out of or in connection with the construction work.
The principal contractor shall ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that every contractor who is an employer provides any of his employees at work carrying out the construction work with:
1) any information which the employer is required to provide to those employees in respect of that work by virtue of regulation 8 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992; and
2) any health and safety training which the employer is required to provide to those employees in respect of that work by virtue of regulation 11(2)(b) of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992.

The law does not prevent:
1) the appointment of the same person as planning supervisor and as principal contractor provided that person is competent to carry out the functions of both appointments; or
2) the appointment of the client as planning supervisor or as principal contractor or as both, provided the client is competent to perform the relevant functions.
Definition source
Reg. 6, 16-17, The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 1994; HSE "Having Construction Work Done?"
European legislation
Directive 92/57/EEC
British legislation
The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 1994
Related terms
Concept diagram
Translation proposal De
Koordinator bei der Ausführung des Bauvorhabens
Reliability code De