Database terminologico |
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Daily personal noise exposure |
Domain: Health and safety at work => Risk factors => Noise
Grammatical category: | Noun phrase |
Grammar notes: | Uncountable |
Definition: | Level of daily personal noise exposure (LEP, d) of an employee taking account of the level of noise and the duration of exposure and covering all noise. The LEP, d, which corresponds to LEX,8h defined in international standard ISO 1999: 1990 clause 3.6, is expressed in decibels. Employer's duties Every employer shall:
- conduct a suitable and sufficient risk assessment for activities liable to expose employees to noise at or above a lower exposure action value and identify the control measures that need to be taken, recording the significant findings;
- ensure that risk from the exposure of his employees to noise is either eliminated at source or, where this is not reasonably practicable, reduced to as low a level as is reasonably practicable;
- for noise at or above an upper exposure action value , reduce exposure to as low a level as is reasonably practicable by establishing and implementing a programme of organisational and technical measures, excluding the provision of personal hearing protectors, which is appropriate to the activity;
- ensure that employees are not exposed to noise above an exposure limit value ;
- ensure employees are placed under suitable health surveillance, which shall include testing of their hearing, where a risk assessment indicates that there is a risk to the health of employees who are, or who are liable to be, exposed to noise and keep appropriate records;
- make personal hearing protectors available upon request to any employee likely to be exposed to noise at or above a lower exposure action level;
- if unable to reduce the noise by other means to below an upper exposure action value, provide personal hearing protectors to any employee who is so exposed;
- where employees may be exposed at or above an upper exposure action value, ensure the area is designated a "hearing protection zone ";
- ensure all control measures are maintained in an efficient state and good working order.
Definition source: | Reg. 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 of The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 |
European legislation: | Directives 89/391/EEC, 80/1107/EEC, 82/605/EEC, 83/477/EEC, 86/188/EEC, 88/642/EEC, 2003/10/EC |
British legislation: | The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 |
Variants: | LEP, d |
Related terms: | |
It: | |
guest@ |
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