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Employer's liability insurance
Domain: Health and safety at work => Diseases/accidents
Grammatical category
Noun phrase
Grammar notes
Employers' liability insurance insures employers against the costs of compensation for those employees who are injured or made ill at work through the fault of their employer. Contrary to IIDB, which is a state benefit and does not involve fault being established, EL insurance requires the courts to establish the negligence of an employer. Compulsory for employers since 1972, this insurance is provided by insurance companies and through the Lloyd's market.
It provides greater security to firms against costs which could otherwise result in financial difficulty, and to employees that resources will be available for compensation even where firms have become insolvent. It supports the right of employees injured through their employer's negligence to be fairly compensated – the principle of ‘access to justice'; and the responsibility of employers to fund the costs of their negligence – the principle of ‘polluter pays'.
Definition source
British legislation
The Employers' Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969, The Employers' Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Regulations 1998
EL insurance
Related terms
Translation proposal It
Assicurazione obbligatoria contro la responsabilità del datore di lavoro
Reliability code It