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Mechanical vibration
Domain: Health and safety at work => Risk factors => Vibrations
Grammatical category
Noun phrase
Grammar notes
Vibration occurring in a piece of machinery or equipment or in a vehicle as a result of its operation.
Regular and frequent exposure to high levels of vibration can lead to permanent injury. This is most likely when contact with a vibrating tool or process is a regular part of a person's job.
Definition source
Reg. 2 of The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005; HSE "Health risks from hand-arm vibration: advice for employers" http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg175.pdf
European legislation
Directive 2002/44/EC
British legislation
The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005
Contained in
Related terms
= Vibration mécanique
= Mechanische Schwingungen