Database terminologico |
Seguendo i link presenti all'interno della scheda è possibile accedere ai testi legislativi di riferimento, ai diagrammi concettuali in cui appare il concetto, nonché ad altre schede del database terminologico correlate dal punto di vista concettuale o linguistico al concetto in esame.
Mutagen |
Domain: Health and safety at work => Risk factors
Grammatical category: | Noun |
Grammar notes: | Countable |
Definition: | A mutagen is a biological, chemical or physical agent that causes or increases permanent genetic changes in the DNA of an organism. These mutations can be passed along as the cell reproduces, sometimes leading to defective cells or cancer. |
Definition source: | |
European legislation: | Directive 1999/38/EC |
British legislation: | The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002; The Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations 2002 |
Contained in: | |
It: | |
Fr: | |
De: | |
guest@ |
Ricerca promossa e finanziata dall'ISPESL |