In cases where a person will need help from a medical practitioner or nurse, a) treatment for the purpose of preserving life and minimizing the consequences of injury and illness until such help is obtained, and b) treatment of minor injuries which would otherwise receive no treatment or which do not need treatment by a medical practitioner or nurse.
Employer's duties
Employers have to consider a) workplace
hazards and
risks to their employees in carrying out their work duties and consider what
first aid equipment,
personnel and facilities are appropriate, b) the size of organisation, c) the organisation's history of accidents, e) the nature and distribution of the workforce, f) the remoteness of the workplace from emergency medical services, g) the needs of travelling, remote and self-occupied employees.
OtherThe minimum first-aid provision is a) a suitably stocked first-aid box and b) an appointed person to take charge of first-aid arrangements. The employer has to provide a suitable
first aid room or rooms where the assessment of first aid needs identifies this as necessary.