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Work-related accident
Domain: Health and safety at work => Diseases/accidents
Grammatical category
Noun phrase
Grammar notes
An unplanned event, arising out of or in connection with work, that results in death, ill health, injury, damage or other loss. Employers, the self-employed and those in control of work premises must report certain events to the enforcing authorities under The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995. These include: all work-related fatalities, specified major injuries, injuries resulting in 3 or more days absence or inability to carry out normal duties, reportable work-related diseases and specified dangerous occurrences. Duty-holders must also keep records of any reportable injury, disease or dangerous occurrence for a period of three years after the date on which they happened.
Definition source
Jones 2003, adapted from BS8800: 1996, Guide to Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems; Reg. 3 of the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995; Accident Book BI 510, 2003, HSE Books; HSE leaflet "RIDDOR Explained", HSE 31(rev).
European legislation
Directive 89/391/EEC
British legislation
The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995
Industrial accident
Related terms
Concept diagram