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Night work
Domain: Health and safety at work => Work organisation
Grammatical category
Noun phrase
Grammar notes
Work during night time.
Accordingly, a night worker is defined as a worker (a) who, as a normal course, works at least three hours of his daily working time during night time, or (b) who is likely, during night time, to work at least such proportion of his annual working time as may be specified in a collective agreement or a workforce agreement.

Length of night work
A night worker's normal hours of work in any reference period which is applicable in his case shall not exceed an average of eight hours for each 24 hours.
An employer shall take all reasonable steps, in keeping with the need to protect the health and safety or workers, to ensure that the limit specified is complied with in the case of each night worker employed by him.
Definition source
Reg. 2, 6 of The Working Time Regulations 1998
European legislation
Directives 93/104/EC, 2000/34/EC
British legislation
The Working Time Regulations 1998